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Aren’t local quilt shops sew fantastic?

The 2024 Local Quilt Shop Contest has been a vibrant celebration of our beloved neighborhood quilting havens! We’ve stitched together this event to spotlight their tireless efforts and to give everyone a chance to shower them with love.

By championing our local quilt shops, we’re not just running a popularity contest; we’re weaving tighter community bonds, nurturing wellsprings of creativity, and sewing prosperity into our local economies.

This year marked our biggest showdown yet! Compared to 2023, we’ve seen a whopping 36% surge in total votes, welcomed 8% more stores into the friendly fray, and now we’re showering lucky winners with bundles of cash and prizes worth thousands!

Spread the patchwork passion far and wide! Share this blog with your fellow quilting aficionados and join us in a rousing chorus of cheers for our cherished local quilt shops worldwide!



Announcement Video

The winners were announced on in a special episode of Live With Annie that was viewed by quilting enthusiasts around the world!

Contest Statistics

In our seventh spin around the quilt block with the LQS Contest, we’ve been tickled pink to see voting and participation continue to soar!

This year, we’re beaming with joy as we welcome a bunch of new stores into the mix. The best part? Votes are spreading out like confetti, making the contest more fun and fair for everyone involved.

Our big dream? To shine a spotlight on every quilt shop, no matter how cozy or colossal. Whether it’s a tiny local nook or a bustling online hub, we want everyone to join in the quilting fun!

SEW Many Votes

Total number of votes increased again this year, with a total of 53,369 votes.

Can you believe that in the first year of the contest, the total number of votes in the entire contest was 2,640?

Thank you all for voting, spreading the word about the contest, and — most importantly — supporting your local quilt shops!

Whether a shop receives one vote or a thousand votes, they are all winners in our book!

SEW Many Stores

We were so happy to see growth in the number of stores receiving votes this year.

Our total stores with votes grew by 8% to 2,249 stores across 12 countries.

Every vote helps us fill out our map. And that helps quilters, sewists, and travelers find new places to share their love for creativity and find inspiration!

Check out the list and map here.

SEW Much Variety

As a crowd-sourced competition, even one vote means that the local shop is making a difference.

Our grand prize winners got 6% of the votes.

The competition is a marathon, not a sprint, and it was fun to see the leaderboard trade positions over time.

SEW Nice to See

One metric that we watch is the number of stores with more than one vote. Our goal is to see the percentage of stores with more than one vote rise, as it is an indication of a more “democratic” voting process and also success broadly of stores.

Reading the stories from those stores with even just one vote is touching though. We are so proud of the stores in the contest and impressed by the positive impact they have on the community.

Regional Prizes – USA

We had fifty winners in the US this year! Each are listed below with their region listed and website linked.

Regional Prizes – Canada

We had ten Canadian winners this year! Each are listed below with their region and website linked.

Regional Prizes – International

We had winners in several countries! Each are listed below with their country listed and website linked.

Posted in * Winners

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  1. Reema Al Malik

    Thank you so much for giving our little quilt shop, Classic Quilts, in Dubai, UAE it’s due recognition. This little oasis is the Happy Place for many of us here. It’s the go-to destination for supplies, classes or just a friendly chat with the staff and fellow makers.

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